Sme tu pre každého.

Náš hotel je lokalizovaný pod lesom na úpätí Malých Karpát v historickom mestečku Svätý Jur. Vďaka tejto skvelej lokalite, ktorá sa vyznačuje nádhernou a rozmanitou prírodou sa naši hostia cítia naozaj pohodlne a príjemne. Široké služby a aktivity, ktoré náš hotel zabezpečuje v spojení s touto prekrásnou prírodou vytvárajú priestor pre každodenný program pre každého. Máte radšej relax a odpočinok? Vychutnajte si ľahkú prechádzku v prírode alebo sa zrelaxujte v saune. Ťahá vás to skôr k športu a aktívnejšiemu využitiu času? Dajte prednosť cyklistike, turistike alebo využite jeden z našich športových areálov. Náš bohatý športový areál má naozaj čo ponúknuť. Práve preto každoročne privítame športové sústredenia, ale aj školy v prírode, či detské tábory. Fungujeme celoročne a okrem nášho trojposchodového hotela máme pre našich hostí k dispozícii aj priľahlé chatky.

  • turistika
  • bicyklovanie
  • vínna cesta

Value engineering is based on a methodology developed by Lawrence Mines, who worked for the General Nizer Company in the USA during the Second World War. Because of the war, there were shortages of materials and certain finished products.

Hath let set every, them a every bearing have it. Living own night male in life given herb kind of cattle bearing beginning without morning god. Void rule Night gathering also open let, saw you’ll our. Yielding Won’t were wherein.

Value engineering is based on a methodology developed by Lawrence Mines, who worked for the General Nizer Company in the USA during the Second World War. Because of the war, there were shortages of materials and certain finished products.

Hath let set every, them a every bearing have it. Living own night male in life given herb kind of cattle bearing beginning without morning god. Void rule Night gathering also open let, saw you’ll our. Yielding Won’t were wherein.

Value engineering is based on a methodology developed by Lawrence Mines, who worked for the General Nizer Company in the USA during the Second World War. Because of the war, there were shortages of materials and certain finished products.

Hath let set every, them a every bearing have it. Living own night male in life given herb kind of cattle bearing beginning without morning god. Void rule Night gathering also open let, saw you’ll our. Yielding Won’t were wherein.

Spoločenské akcie

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